8th December 2019 The filthy wallpaper or Sill sigilata | Bethan Lloyd Worthington | Commissioned by Emily Speed for the book TERRA COTTA
29th January 2018 The Interred Voice | by Amy Pettifer | The Mouth Is A Fossil, Bog Buried And Glowing Blue
6th December 2017 The giraffe invites you to do the same | An essay by poet Jack Underwood | Shell-Lit Siambr Exhibition Publication
6th December 2017 What do we have to do with this old road, and the people who travelled along it 600 years ago? | An essay by curator Katie McGown | Shell-Lit Siambr Exhibition Publication
5th December 2017 The Image of Wherever it is Placed | Bethan Lloyd Worthington Commissioned by designer Ian McIntyre